Slow Rendering Of HTML Table When Binding JSON Data
Solution 1:
Here are some performance stats:
with contenteditable (~4000 digest calls) = 1.800ms ->
without contenteditable (~4 digest calls) = 1.300ms ->
with pagination just showing the first 50 results = 0.200ms ->
You loose the most performance because of the DOM changes obviously. But keep in mind that the number and duration of digest cycles is key for good performance. Especially when you have a huge amount of watchers. Here is a Direct comparison: As you can see the digest loop is burning 30% of your performance overall but is not the reason for your frame drop. The frame drop is mostly caused of the DOM changes. Drawing such a big table takes some time.
Further the table starts rendering when your REST call is finished. This call takes in my case roughly additional 1.700ms. So it takes nearly 3.500ms from start until rendered results. Even with pagination 1.900ms.
I would recommend a pagination with search but you can try to increase the performance anyway.
Helpful links would be:
Solution 2:
First, I recommend that you upgrade the Angular version to the most advanced of course if possible. Also check the animate version. Beyond that you thought of using an advanced tabular component such as ag-grid ?, I can load 10000 rows without any problem with it.
Solution 3:
Your code is triggering the $digest loop over and over. The "watch" method counts how often the $digest cycle is actually called:
var nbDigest = 0;
$scope.$watch(function() {
I bet this is the cause of your performance issues.
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