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How Do I Use The CSS Hover On Only SOME Cells In A Table?

How do I use the CSS hover on only SOME cells in a table? Can I turn it off on those that I don't want it applied to? I'm using this: td:hover { border-style:dotted; border

Solution 1:

Instead of specifying your style for all cells you can create a class and only apply that to the cells you want the style on. Update your css to this:

.myclass:hover {


Then you do something like this in the HTML code:

    <td class="myclass">Cell 1 with special hoover</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>     
    <td>Cell 3</td>

Solution 2:

the <td> tag supports Global Attributes in HTML so you can simply add a class to your code for each of the table cells you want to have the hover on.

<td class="cell-hover">Table Cell Data</td>

The modify your CSS Selector to include the selection of only td cells that have the "cell-hover" class.

td:hover {

By using a . within CSS you can select only the elements that have the proceeding class name

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