How To Change A Popup Window's Location
I have a popup window being opened by my application as follows: function newPopup(url, windowName) {,windowName,'height=768,width=1366,left=10,top=10,titlebar=
Solution 1:
Just set the target
of the link to the popup's name.
<ahref=""target="lobby">New Game</a>
Or save the value returned from
and set its .location
functionnewPopup(url, windowName) {,windowName,'height=768,width=1366,left=10,top=10,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no');
<a onclick="window.lobby=newPopup('', 'lobby'); return false;" href="#">EnterLobby</a>
<ahref="window.lobby.location=''; return false;"href="#">New Game</a>
Solution 2:
What you need to do to open it in a new window is add target_blank
at the end of a html
link like this:
<ahref="http://link-to-your-game"target="_blank">Enter Lobby</a>
Solution 3:
why not to use ajax:
<a onclick="ajaxcall_to_newpage()"> click here to update the content </a>
and your ajax function requesting a new content from server and rendering it to html:
job is done!
Solution 4:
If I understand correctly what you need is to name your popup. Then you can reference that popup to change the content of it.
All you need is a bit of JavaScript
functioncreatePopup(url) {,'testWindow','height=800,width=600');
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
That can be used like this :
<ahref="#"onclick="createPopup('')"target="mine">use google</a><ahref="#"onclick="createPopup('')"target="mine">use stackoverflow</a>
So from the main window you can control your popup.
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