Input Type Time With Angular.js
Solution 1:
I think you need at least Angular 1.3.0 beta for this to work, as it looks like it was introduced then.
input: support types date, time, datetime-local, month, week (46bd6dc8, #5864) ....
Solution 2:
You could achieve that, follow my code,
Basically i use momentjs, and set seconds and milliseconds to zero, that way browser will not render that.
Solution 3:
Here's an example of how to use input="time" with angularJS and bind it using ng-model directive
HTML: <input type="time" ng-model="myTime"/>
in the controller, we assign time came from database to date a new object
$scope.myTime = newDate(;
this will parse the full date as a time HH:MM:SS Successfully
Solution 4:
Change $scope.time = new Date();
in your code to:
var d = newDate();
$scope.time = d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes();
Working code:
Solution 5:
AngularJS Element Directive input[time] is used to create HTML time input with time validation and transformation.
The input must be provided in the format ISO-8601, i.e local time format HH:mm:ss, for example 15:35:10
The data model must be a Date Object, timezones used to read/write Date instance are defined using ngModel Syntax
<input type="time"
Use following code to bind time and for getting other attribute related to input type time.
<!doctype html><htmllang="en"><head><title>AngularJS Directives : input[time]</title><scriptsrc="angular.js"></script><style>b{font-family:Papyrus; color:#fa4b2a; font-size: 20px;}
angular.module('timeDemo', [])
.controller('timeController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.sample = {
value: newDate(1999, 0, 1, 15, 30, 0)
</script><formname="demoForm"ng-controller="timeController as timeCtrl"><labelfor="sampleInput">Select a time from 6 am to 6 pm</label><inputtype="time"id="sampleInput"name="input"ng-model="sample.value"placeholder="HH:mm:ss"min="06:00:00"max="18:00:00"required /><!-- min 6 am and max 6 pm i.e 18:00 --><divrole="alert"><spanclass="error"ng-show="demoForm.input.$error.required">
Input is Required!</span><!-- Required Error --><spanclass="error"ng-show="demoForm.input.$error.time">
Input Date is not Valid!</span><!-- Validation Error --></div><i>value = <b>{{sample.value | date: "HH:mm:ss"}}</b></i><br/><i>demoForm.input.$valid = <b>{{demoForm.input.$valid}}</b></i><br/><i>demoForm.input.$error = <b>{{demoForm.input.$error}}</b></i><br/><i>demoForm.$valid = <b>{{demoForm.$valid}}</b></i><br/><i>demoForm.$error.required = <b>{{!!demoForm.$error.required}}</b></i><br/></form></body></html>
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